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"comparable with"の例文


  • 《be ~》同程度{どうていど}の
  • comparable     comparable adj. 比較できる; 匹敵する. 【副詞】 The technology they use in producing
  • comparable     comparable adj. 比較できる; 匹敵する. 【副詞】 The technology they use in producing the product is broadly comparable to ours. あの会社がその製品を作るのに用いている技術はわが社の技術にほぼ匹敵する The two are not remotely comparable.
  • comparable to    《be ~》~に相当{そうとう}する、~と(比べても)遜色{そんしょく}ない、~と肩を並べる
  • not comparable to    《be ~》~には比べものにならない
  • comparable analgesic    比較鎮痛薬{ひかく ちんつうやく}
  • comparable in intensity to    (明るさなどが)~と同程度{どうていど}である
  • comparable in magnitude to    ~と大きさが同程度{どうていど}である
  • comparable job    匹敵{ひってき}する仕事{しごと} How long will it take to find a comparable job? (前の職と)匹敵する職がみつかるのにどれくらいかかるだろうか?
  • comparable luminosity    同等{どうとう}の光度{こうど}
  • comparable period    同期{どうき}
  • comparable price    可比価格{かひ かかく}
  • comparable result    同様{どうよう}[類似{るいじ}]の結果{けっか}
  • comparable rigidity    比剛性{ひ ごうせい}
  • comparable situations    類似{るいじ}の場合{ばあい}
  • comparable size to    ~に匹敵{ひってき}する規模{きぼ}


  • xray diagram , he thought was comparable with the helix .
  • xray diagram , he thought was comparable with the helix .
  • that is comparable with some of the best in the world .
    今では、 世界の最良のものに匹敵する鉱業規約を制定しました。
  • there were pictures but the content was comparable with a book meant solely for reading .
  • it is often mentioned as an art comparable with edo kabuki (kabuki of old tokyo ).
  • " sangyo gisho " can be comparable with these chinese books of the early sixth century .
  • it can be said the sophisticated gardens comparable with other first class art were born from this state of mind .
  • " diary of saneomi hirosawa " is highly evaluated as a first class material for the end of the edo period comparable with those of kido and okubo .
  • the presence of the industrial base was one of the main reasons that kagoshima , a mere region , was comparable with the central government in power .
  • present day , teppanyaki has become enjoyable at home as electric hot plates became popular , but the heating power of electric plates is not comparable with that of restaurants .
  • もっと例文:  1  2


  • similar in some respect and so able to be compared in order to show differences and similarities; "pianists of comparable ability"; "cars comparable with each other in terms of fuel consumption"

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